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Archive -- Rail Passengers Association New England Regional Meeting
Saturday, March 24, 2018 1:00 PM Saturday, March 24, 2018 4:00 PM
Northeastern University - Hurtig Hall Room 129 10 Gainsborough St Boston MA 02115
2018 NARP New England Regional Meeting
Co-sponsored by the National Association of Rail Passengers Association and the Massachusetts Chapter of Sierra Club
Rail Passengers Association Members & Friends; Public Transportation Advocates And Interested Citizens Are Invited!
12:30 PM - Registration
1:00 PM - Meeting Starts
(Following times are approximate)
- Introductions
- Video Message from Former Massachusetts Governor Dukakis
- 1:15-1:40 - Chris Dempsey; Director, T4MA: "RGGI for Transportation"
- 1:40-2:00 - Clint Richmond; Co-Chair Mass. Sierra Club Transportation Committee: MassDOT State Rail Plan Response"
- 2:00-2:05 - John Businger; Fmr. State Rep. & NSRL Working Group Vice Chair: "North-South Rail Link Update"
- Break (20 mins)
- 2:25-2:40 - Steve Musen; Rhode Island Council Member: "National Update"
- 2:40-3:05 - Marc Ebuna; Founder, TransitMatters: "TransitMatters' Regional Rail Report"
- 3:05-3:30 - Elena Studier; Rail Passengers Association's 2016 "Summer by Rail" Intern: "Summer by Rail: A Multi-Modal Adventure"
- 3:30-4:00 - Additional comments & conversation
4:00 PM - Meeting Adjourns
5:00 - 8:00 PM - TransitMatters/Rail Passengers Association "Beer & Transit" social event at Beacon St Locale (Separate Admission)
Meeting Registration:
Attendee Registration - $20.00 per person
Sponsor Level Registration - $50.00 per person (Includes Special Sponsor Recognition)
Student Discount Registration - $5.00 per person with valid student ID
Northeastern University Student Registration - FREE with Northeastern Student ID
Light Refreshments Will Be Served
"When [NARP] comes to Washington, you help embolden us in our efforts to continue the progress for passenger rail. And not just on the Northeast Corridor. All over America! High-speed rail, passenger rail is coming to America, thanks to a lot of your efforts! We’re partners in this. ... You are the ones that are going to make this happen. Do not be dissuaded by the naysayers. There are thousands of people all over America who are for passenger rail and you represent the best of what America is about!"
Secretary Ray LaHood, U.S. Department of Transportation
2012 NARP Spring Council Meeting