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Building on the Success of the Moving Forward Act (HR 2)
Building on the Success of the Moving Forward Act: Rail Passengers worked closely with members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on the rail title of the Moving Forward Act, and we look forward to the reintroduction of those policies in the 117th Congress. H.R. 2 included key provisions and Amtrak reforms that should be carried over in the current reauthorization cycle, and we encourage all our advocates to familiarize themselves with the key provisions.
Sec. 9102. Passenger Rail Improvement, Modernization, and Expansion (PRIME) Grants
This new intercity passenger rail funding program authorizes grant funding of $19 billion over five years for state of good repair projects, service improvement projects, and rail expansion projects. High speed rail projects are eligible for the funds, and priority is given for projects that incorporate regional planning and/or have the support of multiple states and to projects that provide environmental benefits, such as greenhouse gas reduction and other air quality benefits. Within the grant program, 40% is reserved for NEC projects and 40% is reserved for projects outside the NEC, with a Federal cost-share of up to 90%.
Bill Text:
3 (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 22906 of title 49, United
4 States Code, is amended to read as follows:
5 ‘‘§ 22906. Passenger rail improvement, modernization,
6 and expansion grants
7 ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Transpor
8 tation shall establish a program to make grants for capital
9 projects that improve the state of good repair, operational
10 performance, or growth of intercity rail passenger trans
11 portation.
13 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Capital projects eligible for
14 a grant under this section include—
15 ‘‘(A) a project to replace, rehabilitate, or
16 repair a major infrastructure asset used for
17 providing passenger rail service to bring such
18 infrastructure asset into a state of good repair;
19 ‘‘(B) a project to improve passenger rail
20 performance, including congestion mitigation,
21 reliability improvements, achievement of on
22 time performance standards established under
23 section 207 of the Rail Safety Improvement Act
24 of 2008 (49 U.S.C. 24101 note), reduced trip
25 times, increased train frequencies, higher oper-
1 ating speeds, electrification, and other improve
2 ments, as determined by the Secretary; and
3 ‘‘(C) a project to repair, rehabilitate, re
4 place, or build infrastructure to expand or es
5 tablish intercity rail passenger transportation
6 and facilities, including high-speed rail.
7 ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS.—To be eligible for a
8 grant under this section, an applicant shall have, or
9 provide documentation of a credible plan to
10 achieve—
11 ‘‘(A) the legal, financial, and technical ca
12 pacity to carry out the project;
13 ‘‘(B) satisfactory continuing control over
14 the use of the equipment or facilities that are
15 the subject of the project; and
16 ‘‘(C) an agreement in place for mainte
17 nance of such equipment or facilities.
18 ‘‘(3) PRIORITY.—In selecting an applicant for a
19 grant under this section, the Secretary shall give
20 preference to capital projects that—
21 ‘‘(A) are supported by multiple States or
22 are included in a regional planning process; or
23 ‘‘(B) achieve environmental benefits such
24 as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or
25 an improvement in local air quality.
2 ing an applicant for a grant under this section, the
3 Secretary shall consider—
4 ‘‘(A) the cost-benefit analysis of the pro
5 posed project, including anticipated public bene
6 fits relative to the costs of the proposed project,
7 including—
8 ‘‘(i) effects on system and service per
9 formance;
10 ‘‘(ii) effects on safety, competitive
11 ness, reliability, trip or transit time, and
12 resilience;
13 ‘‘(iii) impacts on the overall transport
14 tation system, including efficiencies from
15 improved integration with other modes of
16 transportation or benefits associated with
17 achieving modal shifts; and
18 ‘‘(iv) the ability to meet existing or
19 anticipated passenger or service demand;
20 ‘‘(B) the applicant’s past performance in
21 developing and delivering similar projects;
22 ‘‘(C) if applicable, the consistency of the
23 project with planning guidance and documents
24 set forth by the Secretary or required by law;
25 and
1 ‘‘(D) if applicable, agreements between all
2 stakeholders necessary for the successful deliv
3 ery of the project.
5 funds made available to carry out this section, not less
6 than 40 percent shall be made available for projects in
7 cluded in the Northeast Corridor investment plan required
8 under section 24904.
9 ‘‘(d) NATIONAL PROJECTS.—Of the funds made
10 available to carry out this section, not less than 40 percent
11 shall be made available for—
12 ‘‘(1) projects on the National Network;
13 ‘‘(2) high-speed rail projects; and
14 ‘‘(3) the establishment of new passenger rail
15 corridors not located on the Northeast Corridor.
18 Secretary shall estimate the total cost of a project
19 under this section based on the best available infor
20 mation, including engineering studies, studies of eco
21 nomic feasibility, environmental analyses, and infor
22 mation on the expected use of equipment or facili
23 ties.
1 ‘‘(2) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Federal share of
2 total costs for a project under this section shall not
3 exceed 90 percent.
4 ‘‘(3) TREATMENT OF REVENUE.—Applicants
5 may use ticket and other revenues generated from
6 operations and other sources to satisfy the non-Fed
7 eral share requirements.
9 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, to the
10 maximum extent practicable, issue a letter of intent
11 to a recipient of a grant under this section that—
12 ‘‘(A) announces an intention to obligate,
13 for a major capital project under this section,
14 an amount that is not more than the amount
15 stipulated as the financial participation of the
16 Secretary in the project; and
17 ‘‘(B) states that the contingent commit
18 ment—
19 ‘‘(i) is not an obligation of the Fed
20 eral Government; and
21 ‘‘(ii) is subject to the availability of
22 appropriations for grants under this sec
23 tion and subject to Federal laws in force or
24 enacted after the date of the contingent
25 commitment.
2 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 days
3 before issuing a letter of intent under para
4 graph (1), the Secretary shall submit written
5 notification to—
6 ‘‘(i) the Committee on Transportation
7 and Infrastructure of the House of Rep
8 resentatives;
9 ‘‘(ii) the Committee on Appropriations
10 of the House of Representatives;
11 ‘‘(iii) the Committee on Appropria
12 tions of the Senate; and
13 ‘‘(iv) the Committee on Commerce,
14 Science, and Transportation of the Senate.
15 ‘‘(B) CONTENTS.—The notification sub
16 mitted under subparagraph (A) shall include—
17 ‘‘(i) a copy of the letter of intent;
18 ‘‘(ii) the criteria used under sub
19 section (b) for selecting the project for a
20 grant; and
21 ‘‘(iii) a description of how the project
22 meets such criteria.
23 ‘‘(g) APPROPRIATIONS REQUIRED.—An obligation or
24 administrative commitment may be made under this sec
1 tion only when amounts are appropriated for such pur
2 pose.
3 ‘‘(h) GRANT ADMINISTRATION.—The Secretary may
4 withhold up to 1 percent of the total amount made avail
5 able to carry out this section for program oversight and
6 management, including providing technical assistance and
7 project planning guidance.
9 retary may withhold up to half a percent of the total
10 amount made available to carry out this section to facili
11 tate and provide guidance for regional planning processes.
12 ‘‘(j) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts made available to
13 carry out this section shall remain available until ex
14 pended.
15 ‘‘(k) GRANT CONDITIONS.—Except as specifically
16 provided in this section, the use of any amounts appro
17 priated for grants under this section shall be subject to
18 the grant conditions under section 22905, except that the
19 domestic buying preferences of section 24305(f) shall
20 apply to grants provided to Amtrak in lieu of the require
21 ments of section 22905(a).
22 ‘‘(l) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
23 ‘‘(1) APPLICANT.—The term ‘applicant’
24 means—
25 ‘‘(A) a State;
1 ‘‘(B) a group of States;
2 ‘‘(C) an Interstate Compact;
3 ‘‘(D) a public agency or publicly chartered
4 authority established by 1 or more States;
5 ‘‘(E) a political subdivision of a State; or
6 ‘‘(F) Amtrak, acting on its own behalf or
7 under a cooperative agreement with 1 or more
8 States.
9 ‘‘(2) CAPITAL PROJECT.—The term ‘capital
10 project’ means—
11 ‘‘(A) acquisition, construction, replace
12 ment, rehabilitation, or repair of major infra
13 structure assets or equipment that benefit
14 intercity rail passenger transportation, include
15 ing tunnels, bridges, stations, track, electrifica
16 tion, grade crossings, passenger rolling stock,
17 and other assets, as determined by the Sec
18 retary;
19 ‘‘(B) projects that ensure service can be
20 maintained while existing assets are rehabili
21 tated or replaced; and
22 ‘‘(C) project planning, development, de
23 sign, and environmental analysis related to
24 projects under subsections (A) and (B).
2 TATION.—The term ‘intercity rail passenger trans
3 portation’ has the meaning given such term in sec
4 tion 24102.
5 ‘‘(4) HIGH-SPEED RAIL.—The term ‘high-speed
6 rail’ has the meaning given such term in section
7 26106(b).
8 ‘‘(5) NORTHEAST CORRIDOR.—The term
9 ‘Northeast Corridor’ has the meaning given such
10 term in section 24102.
11 ‘‘(6) NATIONAL NETWORK.—The term ‘Na
12 tional Network’ has the meaning given such term in
13 section 24102.
14 ‘‘(7) STATE.—The term ‘State’ means each of
15 the 50 States and the District of Columbia.’’.
16 (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The item related to
17 section 22906 in the analysis for chapter 229 of title 49,
18 United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
‘‘22906. Passenger rail improvement, modernization, and expansion grants.’’.
Sec. 9201. Amtrak Findings, Mission, and Goals
Amtrak’s findings, mission, and goals have been revised to reflect Congressional priorities for Amtrak. Amtrak must provide reliable national intercity passenger rail service now and, in the future, reflect the needs of all passengers, and support the U.S. workforce.
Bill Text:
8 Section 24101 of title 49, United States Code, is
9 amended—
10 (1) in subsection (a)—
11 (A) in paragraph (1)—
12 (i) by striking ‘‘, to the extent its
13 budget allows,’’; and
14 (ii) by striking ‘‘between crowded
15 urban areas and in other areas of’’ and in
16 serting ‘‘throughout’’;
17 (B) in paragraph (2) by striking the period
18 and inserting ‘‘, thereby providing additional
19 capacity for the traveling public and widespread
20 air quality benefits.’’;
21 (C) in paragraph (4)—
22 (i) by striking ‘‘greater’’ and inserting
23 ‘‘high’’; and
24 (ii) by striking ‘‘to Amtrak to achieve
25 a performance level sufficient to justify ex
1 pending public money’’ and inserting ‘‘in
2 order to meet the intercity passenger rail
3 needs of the United States’’;
4 (D) in paragraph (5)—
5 (i) by inserting ‘‘intercity and’’ after
6 ‘‘efficient’’; and
7 (ii) by striking ‘‘the energy conserva
8 tion and self-sufficiency’’ and inserting
9 ‘‘addressing climate change, energy con
10 servation, and self-sufficiency’’;
11 (E) in paragraph (6) by striking ‘‘through
12 its subsidiary, Amtrak Commuter,’’; and
13 (F) by adding at the end the following:
14 ‘‘(9) Long-distance intercity passenger rail is
15 an important part of the national transportation sys
16 tem.
17 ‘‘(10) Investments in intercity and commuter
18 rail passenger transportation support jobs that pro
19 vide a pathway to the middle class.’’;
20 (2) in subsection (b) by striking ‘‘The’’ and all
21 that follows through ‘‘consistent’’ and inserting
22 ‘‘The mission of Amtrak is to provide a safe, effi
23 cient, and high-quality national intercity passenger
24 rail system that is trip-time competitive with other
25 intercity travel options, consistent’’;
1 (3) in subsection (c)—
2 (A) by striking paragraph (1) and insert
3 ing the following:
4 ‘‘(1) use its best business judgment in acting to
5 maximize the benefits of public funding;’’;
6 (B) in paragraph (2)—
7 (i) by striking ‘‘minimize Government
8 subsidies by encouraging’’ and inserting
9 ‘‘work with’’; and
10 (ii) by striking the semicolon and in
11 serting ‘‘and improvements to service;’’;
12 (C) by striking paragraph (3) and insert
13 ing the following:
14 ‘‘(3) manage the passenger rail network in the
15 interest of public transportation needs, including
16 current and future Amtrak passengers;’’;
17 (D) in paragraph (7) by striking ‘‘encour
18 age’’ and inserting ‘‘work with’’;
19 (E) in paragraph (11) by striking ‘‘and’’
20 the last place it appears; and
21 (F) by striking paragraph (12) and insert
22 ing the following:
23 ‘‘(12) utilize and manage resources with a long
24 term perspective, including sound investments that
1 take into account the overall lifecycle costs of an
2 asset;
3 ‘‘(13) ensure that service is accessible and ac
4 commodating to passengers with disabilities; and
5 ‘‘(14) maximize the benefits Amtrak generates
6 for the United States by creating quality jobs and
7 supporting the domestic workforce.’’; and
8 (4) by striking subsection (d).
Sec. 9202. Amtrak Status
Clarifies that Amtrak serves the public interest in providing reliable passenger rail service.
Bill Text:
10 Section 24301(a) of title 49, United States Code, is
11 amended—
12 (1) in paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘20102(2)’’
13 and inserting ‘‘20102’’; and
14 (2) in paragraph (2) by inserting ‘‘serving the
15 public interest in reliable passenger rail service’’
16 after ‘‘for-profit corporation’’.
Sec. 9203. Amtrak Board of Directors
Effective 60 days after enactment, realigns the makeup of Amtrak’s board of directors to better reflect the interests of passengers and Amtrak-served states. The board must represent the interests of areas served by Amtrak, Amtrak’s passengers and employees, in addition to the Amtrak president and DOT. Also clarifies that the board members provide advice and oversight of Amtrak operations, with consideration for the travelling public’s safety and interests, and the long-term viability of national passenger rail service.
Bill Text:
18 (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 24302 of title 49, United
19 States Code, is amended—
20 (1) in subsection (a)—
21 (A) in paragraph (1)—
22 (i) by striking subparagraph (C) and
23 inserting the following:
24 ‘‘(C) 8 individuals appointed by the Presi
25 dent of the United States, by and with the ad
1 vice and consent of the Senate, with a record of
2 support for national passenger rail service, gen
3 eral business and financial experience, and
4 transportation qualifications or expertise. Of
5 the individuals appointed—
6 ‘‘(i) 1 shall be a Mayor or Governor of
7 a location served by a regularly scheduled
8 Amtrak service on the Northeast Corridor;
9 ‘‘(ii) 1 shall be a Mayor or Governor
10 of a location served by a regularly sched
11 uled Amtrak service that is not on the
12 Northeast Corridor;
13 ‘‘(iii) 1 shall be a labor representative
14 of Amtrak employees; and
15 ‘‘(iv) 2 shall be individuals with a his
16 tory of regular Amtrak ridership and an
17 understanding of the concerns of rail pas
18 sengers.’’;
19 (B) in paragraph (2) by inserting ‘‘users of
20 Amtrak, including the elderly and individuals
21 with disabilities, and’’ after ‘‘and balanced rep
22 resentation of’’;
23 (C) in paragraph (3) by adding at the end
24 the following: ‘‘A member of the Board ap
25 pointed under clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph
1 (1)(C) shall serve for a term of 5 years or until
2 such member leaves the elected office such
3 member occupied at the time such member was
4 appointed, whichever is first.’’; and
5 (D) by striking paragraph (5) and insert6 ing the following:
7 ‘‘(5) The Secretary and any Governor of a
8 State may be represented at a Board meeting by a
9 designee.’’;
10 (2) in subsection (b)—
11 (A) by striking ‘‘PAY AND EXPENSES’’ and
12 inserting ‘‘DUTIES, PAY, AND EXPENSES’’; and
13 (B) by inserting ‘‘Each director must con
14 sider the well-being of current and future Am
15 trak passengers, and the public interest in sus
16 tainable national passenger rail service.’’ before
17 ‘‘Each director not employed by the United
18 States Government or Amtrak’’; and
19 (3) by adding at the end the following:
20 ‘‘(g) GOVERNOR DEFINED.—In this section, the term
21 ‘Governor’ means the Governor of a State or the Mayor
22 of the District of Columbia and includes the designee of
23 the Governor.’’.
25 ginning on the date that is 60 days after the date of enact
1 ment of this Act, the appointment and membership re
2 quirements under section 24302 of title 49, United States
3 Code, shall apply to each member of the Board under such
4 section and the term of each current Board member shall
5 end. A member serving on such Board as of the date of
6 enactment of this Act may be reappointed on or after such
7 date subject to the advice and consent of the Senate if
8 such member meets the requirements of such section.
Sec. 9204. Amtrak Preference Enforcement
Amtrak’s preferential access to freight-owned corridors dates to Amtrak’s early years and is key to the future success of intercity passenger rail transportation. This provision provides a means for Amtrak to enforce its statutory right of preference directly in Federal court without intermediaries.
Bill Text:
10 (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 24308(c) of title 49,
11 United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the
12 following: ‘‘Notwithstanding section 24103(a) and section
13 24308(f), Amtrak shall have the right to bring an action
14 for equitable or other relief in the United States District
15 Court for the District of Columbia to enforce the pref
16 erence rights granted under this subsection.’’.
17 (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 24103 of
18 title 49, United States Code, is amended by inserting ‘‘and
19 section 24308(c)’’ before ‘‘, only the Attorney General’’.
Sec. 9205. Use of Facilities and Providing Services to Amtrak
Revises the Surface Transportation Board provisions that govern when Amtrak seeks to operate additional trains over rail lines owned by another carrier by establishing a process for the Board to determine whether the additional trains unreasonably impair freight transportation and initiate a proceeding to evaluate what additional investments are required.
Bill Text:
22 Section 24308(e) of title 49, United States Code, is
23 amended—
24 (1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the
25 following:
1 ‘‘(1)(A) When a rail carrier does not agree to
2 allow Amtrak to operate additional trains over any
3 rail line of the carrier on which Amtrak is operating
4 or seeks to operate, Amtrak may submit an applica5 tion to the Board for an order requiring the carrier
6 to allow for the operation of the requested trains.
7 Within 90 days of receipt of such application, the
8 Board shall determine whether the additional trains
9 would unreasonably impair freight transportation
10 and—
11 ‘‘(i) for a determination that such trains
12 do not unreasonably impair freight transport
13 tation, order the rail carrier to allow for the op14 eration of such trains on a schedule established
15 by the Board; or
16 ‘‘(ii) for a determination that such trains
17 do unreasonably impair freight transportation,
18 initiate a proceeding to determine any addi
19 tional infrastructure investments required by,
20 or on behalf of, Amtrak.
21 ‘‘(B) If Amtrak seeks to resume operation of a
22 train that Amtrak operated during the 5-year period
23 preceding an application described in subparagraph
24 (A), the Board shall apply a presumption that the
25 resumed operation of such train will not unreason
1 ably impair freight transportation unless the Board
2 finds that there are substantially changed cir3 cumstances.’’;
4 (2) in paragraph (2)—
5 (A) by striking ‘‘The Board shall consider’’
6 and inserting ‘‘The Board shall’’;
7 (B) by striking subparagraph (A) and in
8 serting the following:
9 ‘‘(A) in making the determination under para
10 graph (1), take into account any infrastructure in
11 vestments proposed in Amtrak’s application, with
12 the rail carrier having the burden of demonstrating
13 that the additional trains will unreasonably impair
14 the freight transportation; and’’; and
15 (C) in subparagraph (B) by inserting ‘‘con
16 sider investments described in subparagraph
17 (A) and’’ after ‘‘times,’’; and
18 (3) by adding at the end the following:
19 ‘‘(4) In a proceeding initiated by the Board
20 under paragraph (1)(B), the Board shall solicit the
21 views of the parties and require the parties to pro
22 vide any necessary data or information. Not later
23 than 180 days after the date on which the Board
24 makes a determination under paragraph (1)(B), the
25 Board shall issue an order requiring the rail carrier
1 to allow for the operation of the requested trains
2 conditioned upon additional infrastructure or other
3 investments needed to mitigate the unreasonable in
4 terference. In determining the necessary level of ad
5 ditional infrastructure or other investments, the
6 Board shall use any criteria, assumptions, and proc
7 esses it considers appropriate.
8 ‘‘(5) The provisions of this subsection shall be
9 in addition to any other statutory or contractual
10 remedies Amtrak may have to obtain the right to op
11 erate the additional trains.’’.
Sec. 9211. Amtrak Food and Beverage
Requires that any individual onboard a train who prepares onboard food and beverage service is an Amtrak employee. The section also establishes a working group charged with developing recommendations, and issuing a report within one year, on how to improve onboard food and beverage services. Amtrak is prohibited from making changes to its food and beverage service until 30 days after issuing a response to the working group recommendations. The provision also requires Amtrak to ensure that all long-distance passengers traveling overnight have access to hot meals, not just sleeping car passengers, and it removes statutory language limiting Amtrak’s ability to provide food and beverage service due to costs.
Bill Text:
4 (a) AMTRAK FOOD AND BEVERAGE.—Section 24321
5 of title 49, United States Code, is amended to read as
6 follows:
7 ‘‘§ 24321. Amtrak food and beverage
9 SERVICES.—On all long-distance routes, Amtrak shall en
10 sure that all passengers who travel overnight on such
11 route shall have access to purchasing the food and bev
12 erages that are provided to sleeping car passengers on
13 such route.
16 shall ensure that any individual onboard a train who
17 prepares food and beverages is an Amtrak employee.
18 ‘‘(2) SAVINGS CLAUSE.—No Amtrak employee
19 holding a position as of the date of enactment of the
20 TRAIN Act may be involuntarily separated because
21 of any action taken by Amtrak to implement this
22 section, including any employees who are furloughed
23 as a result of the COVID–19 pandemic.
24 ‘‘(c) SAVINGS CLAUSE.—Amtrak shall ensure that no
25 Amtrak employee holding a position as of the date of en
actment of the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act
2 of 2015 is involuntarily separated because of the develop
3 ment and implementation of the plan required by the
4 amendments made by section 11207 of such Act.’’.
6 (1) ANALYSIS.—The item related to section
7 24321 in the analysis for chapter 243 of title 49,
8 United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
‘‘24321. Amtrak food and beverage.’’.
9 (2) AMTRAK AUTHORITY.—Section 24305(c)(4)
10 of title 49, United States Code, is amended by strik
11 ing ‘‘only if revenues from the services each year at
12 least equal the cost of providing the services’’.
13 (3) CONTRACTING OUT.—Section 121(c) of the
14 Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997 (49
15 U.S.C. 24312 note; 111 Stat. 2574) is amended by
16 striking ‘‘, other than work related to food and bev
17 erage service,’’.
19 GROUP.—
20 (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 90 days
21 after the date of enactment of this Act, Amtrak shall
22 establish a working group (in this subsection re
23 ferred to as the ‘‘Working Group’’) to provide rec
24 ommendations on Amtrak onboard food and bev
25 erage services.
(2) MEMBERSHIP.—The Working Group shall
2 consist of individuals representing—
3 (A) Amtrak;
4 (B) the labor organizations representing
5 Amtrak employees who prepare or provide on
6 board food and beverage services; and
7 (C) nonprofit organizations representing
8 Amtrak passengers.
10 (A) IN GENERAL.—The Working Group
11 shall develop recommendations to increase rid
12 ership and improve customer satisfaction by—
13 (i) promoting collaboration and en
14 gagement between Amtrak, Amtrak pas
15 sengers, and Amtrak employees preparing
16 or providing onboard food and beverage
17 services, prior to Amtrak implementing
18 changes to onboard food and beverage
19 services;
20 (ii) improving onboard food and bev
21 erage services; and
22 (iii) improving solicitation, reception,
23 and consideration of passenger feedback
24 regarding onboard food and beverage serv
25 ices.
1 (B) CONSIDERATIONS.—In developing the
2 recommendations under subparagraph (A), the
3 Working Group shall consider—
4 (i) the healthfulness of onboard food
5 and beverages offered, including the ability
6 of passengers to address dietary restric
7 tions;
8 (ii) the preparation and delivery of on
9 board food and beverages;
10 (iii) the differing needs of passengers
11 traveling on long-distance routes, State
12 supported routes, and the Northeast Cor
13 ridor;
14 (iv) the reinstatement of the dining
15 car service on long-distance routes;
16 (v) Amtrak passenger survey data
17 about the food and beverages offered on
18 Amtrak trains; and
19 (vi) any other issue the Working
20 Group determines appropriate.
21 (4) REPORTS.—
22 (A) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than 1
23 year after the date on which the Working
24 Group is established, the Working Group shall
25 submit to the Board of Directors of Amtrak,
1 the Committee on Transportation and Infra
2 structure of the House of Representatives, and
3 the Committee on Commerce, Science, and
4 Transportation of the Senate a report con
5 taining the recommendations developed under
6 paragraph (3).
8 than 30 days after the date on which the Work
9 ing Group submits the report required under
10 subparagraph (A), Amtrak shall submit to the
11 Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc
12 ture of the House of Representatives and the
13 Committee on Commerce, Science, and Trans
14 portation of the Senate a report on whether
15 Amtrak agrees with the recommendations of the
16 Working Group and describing any plans to im
17 plement such recommendations.
19 SERVICE CHANGES.—During the period beginning on
20 the date of enactment of this Act and ending 30
21 days after the date on which Amtrak submits the re
22 port required under paragraph (4)(B), Amtrak may
23 not make large-scale, structural changes to existing
24 onboard food and beverage services, except that Am
25 trak shall reverse any changes to onboard food and
1 beverage service made in response to the COVID–19
2 pandemic as Amtrak service is restored.
3 (6) TERMINATION.—The Working Group shall
4 terminate on the date on which Amtrak submits the
5 report required under paragraph (4)(B), except that
6 Amtrak may extend such date by up to 1 year if
7 Amtrak determines that the Working Group is bene
8 ficial to Amtrak in making decisions related to on
9 board food and beverage services. If Amtrak extends
10 such date, Amtrak shall include notification of the
11 extension in the report required under paragraph
12 (4)(B).
14 COMMITTEE ACT.—The Federal Advisory Committee
15 Act (5 U.S.C. App) does not apply to the Working
16 Group established under this section.
19 In this subsection, the terms ‘‘long-distance route’’,
20 ‘‘Northeast Corridor’’, and ‘‘State-supported route’’
21 have the meaning given those terms in section
22 24102 of title 49, United States Code.
Sec. 9213. Amtrak Staffing
Prevents Amtrak from contracting out work performed at Amtrak call centers. The section also requires an Amtrak ticket agent to staff each station with recent workforce cuts or where there was more than an average of 40 Amtrak passengers boarding or deboarding a long-distance train per day in the previous fiscal year.
Bill Text:
2 Section 24312 of title 49, United States Code, is
3 amended by adding at the end the following:
5 ‘‘(1) OUTSOURCING.—Amtrak may not renew
6 or enter into a contract to outsource call center cus
7 tomer service work on behalf of Amtrak, including
8 through a business process outsourcing group.
9 ‘‘(2) TRAINING.—Amtrak shall make available
10 appropriate training programs to any Amtrak call
11 center employee carrying out customer service activi
12 ties using telephone or internet platforms.
14 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on the date that
15 is 1 year after the date of enactment of the TRAIN
16 Act, Amtrak shall ensure that at least 1 Amtrak
17 ticket agent is employed at each station building
18 where at least 1 Amtrak ticket agent was employed
19 on or after October 1, 2017.
20 ‘‘(2) LOCATIONS.—Notwithstanding section (1),
21 beginning on the date that is 1 year after the date
22 of enactment of the TRAIN Act, Amtrak shall en
23 sure that at least 1 Amtrak ticket agent is employed
24 at each station building—
1 ‘‘(A) that Amtrak owns, or operates service
2 through, as part of a passenger service route;
3 and
4 ‘‘(B) for which the number of passengers
5 boarding or deboarding an Amtrak long-dis
6 tance train in the previous fiscal year exceeds
7 the average of at least 40 passengers per day
8 over all days in which the station was serviced
9 by Amtrak, regardless of the number of Amtrak
10 vehicles servicing the station per day. For fiscal
11 year 2021, ridership from fiscal year 2019 shall
12 be used to determine qualifying stations.
13 ‘‘(3) EXCEPTION.—This subsection does not
14 apply to any station building in which a commuter
15 rail ticket agent has the authority to sell Amtrak
16 tickets.
17 ‘‘(4) AMTRAK TICKET AGENT.—For purposes of
18 this section, the term ‘Amtrak ticket agent’ means
19 an Amtrak employee with authority to sell Amtrak
20 tickets onsite and assist in the checking of Amtrak
21 passenger baggage.’’.
"I wish to extend my appreciation to members of the Rail Passengers Association for their steadfast advocacy to protect not only the Southwest Chief, but all rail transportation which plays such an important role in our economy and local communities. I look forward to continuing this close partnership, both with America’s rail passengers and our bipartisan group of senators, to ensure a bright future for the Southwest Chief route."
Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS)
April 2, 2019, on receiving the Association's Golden Spike Award for his work to protect the Southwest Chief